SB74c9 revision
another remarkable Machine Transformation

Exciting updates are in the works as we breathe new life into an old SB74c9 machine! At BNL Machines, we're dedicated to enhancing performance and reliability, and this revision project is no exception.

Here's what's in store for this rejuvenated SB74c9:

  1. Cutting-Edge Siemens Control: Say hello to a brand-new Siemens control system, bringing advanced functionality and seamless operation to the forefront.

  2. Enhanced Safety Features: Safety remains our top priority. That's why we're introducing new safety features to ensure a secure working environment for all operators.

  3. Complete Mechanical and Electrical Overhaul: From top to bottom, we're giving the machine a thorough mechanical and electrical overhaul, guaranteeing optimal performance for years to come.

Currently undergoing assembly, this revitalized SB74c9 machine is gearing up to make its triumphant return. Stay tuned for updates as we prepare to unveil the transformation!

Questions or eager to learn more about this or other projects? Don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to provide all the information you need.

Revising a SB74c9
A Remarkable Machine Transformation